Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Power Vs. Force - An alternative to subjective Good-Evil and Right-Wrong paradigms.

Everything you need to know about the world revolves on the Power vs Force dynamic. You can answer any question and decide where to stand on any issue by this simple assessment: Is it Power or Force?

The world has been stuck in a feedback loop that has trapped it within a Force paradigm, which is why things do not change in spite of so much conflict, including the cycles of tyranny and revolution. Within that paradigm, all we can ever do is perpetuate it while convincing ourselves that we are the side of good in the application of force. We can never convince our opponent, and vice-versa. Rightness then becomes merely a justification of forceful actions, and we have many ways to convince ourselves that we are justified. But we will never actually be on the "good" side because Force is not "good."

To achieve change, we must shift to a Power paradigm. We must inspire goodness and love and peace. All those weapons and soldiers and prison walls were never conceived to inspire goodness and love and peace. They were born of fear and designed to instill fear - to maintain control through force. They are the weapons of tyranny and breed more of the same.

Power is the ability to do good. Like electrons - we do not force them down the wire; we let them flow. We create the path and let them move on their own. Power is to let the river flow where it will and build around it, utilizing it. It is to be harmonious with nature. 

Force is inefficient and requires more and more effort to sustain itself while it fights with and destroys nature. Power seeks to teach and inspire good where Force seeks to control. Although the application of Force may modify some behavior, it destroys a part of the individual's personality and chokes his nature, forcing him in an unnatural path rather than let him flourish into the greatest version of his potential.

The world is in a state of Force and control and some individuals and collective groups are doing the controlling while others go along. Certain values and objectives have asserted themselves over those of others. The objective currently is to keep people existing, producing, serving those values, and without that, the individuals are not valued in and of themselves. They are not encouraged to be happy or seek happiness, but told what is happiness and how to be happy with the rewards and incentives that keep them serving until they are no longer useful. People are commodities, and have to be kept in line to continue being useful.

The social ills and abuses of our fellow beings, even the petty crimes that our laws are supposed to protect us from, are the natural resistance of individuals to the application of Force that is so dominant and pervasive as to seek to give an artificial purpose to our lives while simultaneously controlling them. Even vices, sexual and substance-driven, are desperate and ill-fated attempts to find truer meaning that resonates over the forced one which doesn't. There is no reason to expect that common attempts by a mind-controlled people to overcome their programming in a world of so much powerful psychological suggestion will be successful. They feel resistant, even as they do not understand what they are resisting, how completely it has taken over their lives or what to do about it to get back on track with their natural course to happiness.

The people of the world are lost and out of touch with their truer selves. They don't know what they need to make them happy, they just know that they aren't. They don't find it in the praise of their society, they can't rectify it in their clinical counselling and they can't medicate it away in a prescription bottle. Even religion, man's attempt to find meaning and purpose has been subjugated into a tool that redirects people back to the values of their controllers. This is why so many people are in and out of their religion, back and forth, constantly falling from grace and repenting. They know they need meaning and security and something to bring them peace and happiness and they enjoy the initial promise that their faith offers to do that, but they are ultimately let down and unsatisfied with where it leads them - back to the life that is out of sync with their true selves, serving the values of others.

We are meant to be free, and to love, and to express and to discover the world and cling together as we struggle to survive in it. The natural world, not the economically driven, artificial one. Struggle and toil in themselves are not out of sync with our nature, and do not drive us from happiness. We can find happiness as we work to make our way in the world, to feed and clothe ourselves and meet our needs. But we have to work toward goals that are in sync with our true nature, and we cannot be forced to do it out of a sense of desperation, or do it in an unnatural way, or live up to imposed expectations and values that do not resonate with our true selves. And we are unhappy living in a world of constant Force and control and dominion.

Understanding the Power vs. Force dynamic is an important first step in bringing order to the current chaos and shifting our efforts into a more positive, love-based path. May we spread the word.

Power Vs. Force concepts are explained more thoroughly in David R. Hawkins book Power Vs Force.


  1. I thank the author for sharing his beautiful mind in this post. Perhaps maybe if we had a world void of bullshit (and anonymity) we would find ways to use the power of love as described above. I have never understood force vs. power until today. It excites me to believe and to know there is a better world waiting for me (us) if we look deeper into our own souls and live the power we are.

    1. If you actually knew him his mind is not beautiful he is a terrible person

  2. Anonymous, do you have the courage to say who you are or are you just trolling? I'm wondering how you might know me and what basis you might have to make that assessment.
